Breakill's Coils

Solutions to common problems and questions about pre-made coils, installation, wicking, and dry burn.

Can I use the coils in a mechanical mod?

With the right batteries, yes! All coils are balanced for both mechanical and electronic mods, except where the use of regulated mods is specified.

I am intolerant to nickel; can I use coils and spools?

No! The nickel-chromium alloy composition can cause irritation in hypersensitive individuals.

Is the coil producing little vapor, overheating, and very slow?

It’s important to stay as close as possible to the recommended wattage! Complex coils require more power than single-wire coils; if inadequate power is applied, the system becomes slow and overheats.

Why is the ohm value much lower than indicated?

The coil may have hotspots that lower the ohm value and compromise the system’s functionality and safety: it’s necessary to identify and remove them while avoiding damage to the wrap.

A detailed tutorial on hotspot care is available in the following tutorial:

Why is the coil popping/splattering?

Complex coils require much denser wicking than classic coils; otherwise, these phenomena occur. A detailed tutorial on wicking is available in the following video:

Breakill's spools

The Fused Spools line, born from the combined experiences of Breakill and Suprema Ratio, offers an affordable and versatile alternative to pre-made coils.

Hand-wound to minimize mechanical stress, they are cleaned with a double ultrasonic wash, ensuring maximum cleanliness, durability, and performance.

How are the Fused Spools made?

The Breakill’s Spools line is created in collaboration with Suprema Ratio. Thanks to the partial automation of the construction, it offers an affordable and versatile alternative to pre-made coils.

Vengono imbobinate a mano per ridurre al minimo lo stress meccanico, segue infine doppio lavaggio ad ultrasuoni, garantendo massima pulizia, durata e performance.

What is the difference between the Fused Spools and the Alien Spools in the catalog?

The Fused Clapton is the basic model of a complex coil; its flavor production and the lifespan of a single coil are lower compared to the Aliens.

However, the spool format makes them extremely cost-effective, allowing for more frequent coil replacement: a new Fused coil always performs better than an Alien with 60 ml used!

How can I build the coil? How many wraps and on what size rod?

Along with the spools, you will receive a set of suggested setups, which can help you evaluate the resistance in relation to the diameter and the number of wraps.

The linear resistivity indicated on the spool can alternatively provide an approximate OHM value based on the total length of wire used.

The suggested setups are also available at the following link:


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