Hotspots are a phenomenon that typically occurs during coil assembly and manifests as irregular ignition, localized in small points instead of a uniform activation across the coil. Typically, on a newly installed coil, you can see spots that light up before the rest of the coil. The ohm value is also affected: because the current takes a shorter path through the resistance, the coil’s reading is much lower than expected.

An excessively low ohm value compared to expected values is always a symptom of a hotspot!

This is an almost inevitable phenomenon linked to the coil’s wrap, that is, the outer winding. It involves the creation of “alternative paths” for the current through the outer wrap instead of the inner core. It is often confused with the coil’s quality, and many myths have arisen around this phenomenon, attributed to things like wire stress (but what does that mean?) or poorly constructed coils.

The truth is that it is much more related to the coil’s complexity and the diameter of the wires used. Simply put, a finer or more complex wrap will make more windings around the core. Consequently, there will be more contact points that can create undesired paths. Similarly, more complex wraps like interlock or stitched wraps double the likelihood of hotspot formation.

Naturally, the number of wraps also matters: a big-ass coil uses twice the material compared to a “normal” coil and consequently has twice the chances of forming hotspots.

Finally, the “softness” of a coil: the more complex a coil is, the thinner the wire diameters will be, making the coil less rigid. A softer coil is more likely to come apart during assembly.

In other words, the more premium a coil is, the more experience a vaper will need to remove hotspots! Let’s look at the best solutions:

When performing the first activations or a dry burn, it’s wise to drastically reduce the wattage. Applying too much power to a hotspot could permanently weld it, making future removal impossible.

People often tend to scrape the surface to remove hotspots. While effective, this method is risky, especially on expensive coils with intricate wraps like staggerton, interlock, stitched, etc. The safest solution is to slightly separate the wraps where the hotspots form.

Prevention is better than cure! When mounting a coil on the atomizer, it’s wise to slightly separate the coil’s legs from the windings with a gentle push using a screwdriver tip. This will remove the first unwanted contact point and make hotspot removal easier.

When inserting the cotton, the coil might generate new hotspots. An ohm value reading will promptly reveal them. Fortunately, if you’ve done a good job removing them initially, they will be easy to fix—just push the wraps outward to restore the correct path.

When you remove the cotton to perform a dry burn, the coil may come apart, requiring you to remove some new hotspots. Reducing the wattage is essential to avoid damage.

A video is worth a thousand words, so here’s a quick tutorial to effectively remove hotspots:

The introduction of the 2-meter spool of Fused Clapton wire marked the beginning of a collaboration between the coil-building expertise of Breakill’s Alien Lab and the meticulous attention to detail and production processes of Suprema Ratio.

While not the first Fused Clapton spools on the market, the quality of materials and precision in balancing have shown how these details significantly impact the longevity and performance of the coils you build. Often, limitations in the machinery used to produce industrial Fused Clapton wires force manufacturers into creating unbalanced, heavy, and less versatile setups. The Spool line boasts perfect balances, starting from the same raw materials as the individual Suprema Ratio wires available on the market. Each spool is hand-wound to minimize mechanical stress and undergoes a double ultrasonic cleaning, ensuring maximum cleanliness, durability, and performance—even in an economical and versatile alternative to pre-made coils.


The Fused Clapton is the basic model of a complex coil; its aromatic yield and the lifespan of a single coil are reduced compared to the Alien Fused Clapton. However, the spool format makes them extremely economical, allowing for more frequent coil replacements. A brand-new Fused performs better than an Alien with 60 ml of use! This feature makes them ideal for those who love to experiment or when using liquids that are heavy in residue and quickly crust over the coils.

Along with the spools, you’ll receive a set of suggested setups to help you predict resistivity based on diameter and the number of wraps. The linear resistivity indicated on the spool can alternatively provide an approximate OHM value based on the total length of wire used.ivo sulla base della lunghezza totale del filo utilizzato.

Today we’re addressing a topic that, as you know, is very close to my heart. It’s actually quite simple but often counterintuitive. Today, fewer mathematical formulas and a more streamlined session, but one that I hope will clarify one of the most important phenomena in our field: capillarity.

Capillarity, which primarily influences how we perform “wicking”—that is, the wicking or application of mesh—but also the behavior of complex and supercomplex coils, as well as the functioning of our beloved RDTA and Genesis atomizers.

As you may have realized, the goal of this Vape Tech segment is to eliminate all discretionary, personal, and debatable factors to provide absolute guidelines that allow people to make informed choices.

We have seen how the different parameters of a coil or atomizer contribute to a better flavor experience, bringing everything back to a single common denominator: temperature control. From this, we derive a good or bad flavor response, and capillarity, besides supplying our coils with liquid, contributes significantly, second only to airflow in moderating the temperature of the system.

It is known to everyone how water does not exceed 100°C when it boils. This is a physical phenomenon known as the boiling point: when our liquid is heated by the coil, the molecules gain kinetic energy, and at the boiling temperature, most of the molecules have enough energy to overcome cohesive forces (attraction between molecules) and evaporate. The energy supplied to the system is used to break intermolecular bonds rather than increase temperature. This is known as latent heat of vaporization.

It is interesting to note that our liquid is a mixture of various molecules, and its “flavor” component is not negligible in determining the boiling point, also because, generally, the boiling temperature of a mixture is not simply the arithmetic mean of the boiling temperatures of the components but depends on the proportions and chemical characteristics of each component. However, for our purposes and to avoid being too lengthy, we can estimate this boiling temperature of a 50/50 mixture without flavors to be around 200°C.

Before you ask: Yes, during the boiling of a mixture of propylene glycol and glycerin, separation of the two components can occur below 200°C. Propylene glycol will evaporate first, followed by glycerin at higher temperatures. However, for several reasons, which we won’t discuss, primarily the application of higher temperatures, this phenomenon is negligible.

Why this introduction if the focus is on capillarity? Because if, even for very brief fractions of a second or on some surface portions, our coil is not constantly moderated in temperature by the liquid, thermal equilibrium is immediately broken, exceeding the desired temperatures and compromising our beloved temperature control!

Capillarity is the physical phenomenon by which a liquid rises or falls within small spaces, without the influence of significant external forces such as gravity. This phenomenon is the result of interactions between cohesive forces (attraction between the liquid molecules) and adhesive forces (to the capillary walls).

If we see the formula that describes capillarity:

h = 2γ cos θ / ρgr

we can quickly discern what favors it and what hinders it:

Factors that favor it:

  • γ (gamma) is the surface tension of the liquid (NB: glycerin has a higher γ than H2O).
  • θ (theta) is the contact angle between the liquid and the capillary surface. When θ is 0°, its cosine takes on the maximum value (1), meaning the liquid adheres perfectly to the capillary walls, maximizing capillary rise due to maximum adhesion force efficiency compared to cohesion forces.
  • ρ (rho) is the density of the liquid (not viscosity! Glycerin has a higher density).
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity (if it has to rise, e.g., RDTA).
  • r is the radius of the capillary.

Two points I would like to focus on: first, the issue of density. It is easy to be deceived by the viscosity of our liquid and assume it affects capillarity, which is not the case. As we see from the formula, viscosity has no effect on capillarity. Instead, density does—it simply weighs more! This phenomenon is simultaneously countered by higher surface tension, which is why the two liquids may exhibit similar capillary behavior. Obviously, the longer the vertical path, the harder it is for the liquid to rise, because at a certain point, the weight of the liquid (i.e., “g”) will be in equilibrium with γ, the surface tension.

Let’s get to the point, shall we?

This blessed formula, once and for all, tells us that the larger the capillary radius, the lower the height the liquid can reach! In other words, capillarity favors small channels over large ones:

How does this translate to our world?

For example, an RDTA works better if our “mesh” or wicks are made of very thin wires. A wrap or core of a complex coil made of very thin wires or that generates very narrow spaces (e.g., stacked ribbon) conducts liquid much more quickly (hence why they are generally more flavorful, even if the total capillary volume may be less than coils made of thicker wires). A very dense wicking cotton conducts our liquid BETTER!

However, a fundamental factor must be added to these analyses, which does not directly concern capillarity but drastically affects the performance of our atomizers and can easily negate all good practices: When liquid moves from the atomizer to the cotton, air must simultaneously enter the tank; otherwise, the vacuum inside would prevent further liquid from flowing out! This implies that while a good density is essential inside the coil, it is equally essential to leave some “breathing” space in the wells from which the liquid is drawn or in the drippers. In other words, completely clogging the point where the liquid flows would completely block the flow of liquid, far more severely than all the advantages obtained with good wicking!


In this column, we will have the pleasure of delving into some aspects that determine the aromatic performance of coils, whether they are single-wire or complex. We’ll analyze the technical, chemical, and physical aspects while minimizing elements linked to suggestions and impressions. Our focus will be on everything that is parametric, effectively measurable, and verifiable.

By trying to identify what makes a coil—be it in a coil-head atomizer or a rebuildable—more performant, we can pinpoint three qualities:

  • Vapor Production: How much vapor a coil produces.
  • Aromatic Intensity and Hit: Closely linked and directly dependent on vapor production.
  • Aromatic Definition: The ability to identify and separate all aromatic notes.

I don’t believe it’s necessary to delve into what vapor production or hit mean. Instead, it’s essential to explore the concept of flavor or aromaticity more deeply, and it’s worth addressing this topic from the root.

The perception of taste and scent of certain substances is determined by the interaction of specific chemical compounds with our receptors, such as taste buds but especially olfactory cells. Indeed, the senses of taste and smell are closely connected.

We can immediately notice a significant detail: on one hand, we have a parametric science dealing with the construction of aromas, but on the other, there’s a variable and highly personal biological system. The phrase “everyone has their own tastes” isn’t just a saying related to personal preferences; biologically, each person develops a certain sensitivity to different notes, and this sensitivity isn’t general but specific to each particular compound.

We’ve seen “what” perceives tastes and smells, but not “who” is the source—or rather, we’ve generically mentioned “molecules.” The molecules responsible for odors and flavors are of various types: properly called aromatic compounds (e.g., vanillin), terpenes (like pinene and limonene), phenols and alcohols (typically linked to floral aromas), aldehydes (cinnamon), ketones, esters, and so on. There’s an entire science dedicated to the construction and reconstruction of perfumes and aromas called aromatics or perfumery.

In this science, fragrances are referred to in terms of “notes,” relating to the aromatic impression that develops, specifically top, heart, and base notes:

  • Top Notes are the first perceived. Typically linked to light and volatile molecules that evaporate quickly, they provide the immediate impact of a fragrance and often contribute to its sense of “freshness.” They are the “edges” of our “shape.” Examples include herbal, citrus, and floral notes.
  • Once the top notes have evaporated or degraded, the core of the fragrance arrives—the Heart Notes. Linked to molecules more complex and lasting than the top notes, they determine the main character and personality of a fragrance, acting as a bridge between the top and base notes. Typically, these are spicy or fruity notes.
  • Finally, we reach the Base Notes, the final phase of an aroma. Usually rich and heavy molecules with low volatility, they evaporate slowly. Base notes provide depth and warmth, anchoring the entire composition. Typically, these are woody or spicy notes, including vanilla.


Why does all this interest us, and how does it impact what happens in our atomizers? In our atomizers, we heat our flavored liquid at a relatively controlled temperature: heat influences the expression of different aromatic notes and the overall outcome of the experience.

Heat increases the evaporation rate of aromatic molecules, thereby increasing vapor production. However, excessive heat or heat reached too quickly can cause some delicate top notes to dissipate too rapidly, altering the balance. Similarly, heart notes prefer moderate heat to express maximum complexity. Base notes are more resistant and suitable for higher temperatures.

We’ve reached the crux of the matter: we have the tools to understand what to seek from a “perfect” coil—the maximum applicable power, with the utmost respect for all notes.

It becomes evident that if a coil is too reactive and reaches excessively high temperatures too quickly, it inhibits the expression of top notes and some heart notes, transforming a complex liquid into a shapeless, overly sweet mass. Conversely, a coil that’s too cool might not sufficiently express the base notes. The ideal strategy is a gradual ramp-up that reaches a consistent temperature.

We’ve understood that ramp-up is crucial for preserving all the notes. We’ve “equalized” our aromatic Hi-Fi in the best possible way; now we want… volume!

Increasing vapor production is probably the first parameter sought after, a source of great satisfaction. The first thing a new vaper asks is: how do I produce more vapor?

To achieve this, it might seem easy to think that simply increasing the power would suffice. But if we just increase the power, we’d only raise the heat. We also need to increase the evaporation surface. Achieving a larger surface while maintaining the thermal balance necessary to express all the aromatic notes requires that this surface has sufficient area to handle the supplied power. So… it’s time to leave chemistry and delve briefly into the physics of coils!


From the first day we started vaping, we were taught Ohm’s law, crucial for understanding the relationship between current intensity, volts, and ohms. While it’s essential, on its own it’s quite useless in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of a coil. Imagine a 1-ohm coil for vaping at 14 watts; everything seems fine, right? But if it’s made with 20 wraps on a 3 mm rod using 20-gauge Kanthal A1 wire… it will never work! Why?

Because the mass is too high for the power expressed and required by our system!

We’re about to delve into the rabbit hole, and if what I’ve said so far seems obvious, you’ll realize how often this concept isn’t applied.

To fully understand the problem, we need to use another tool: Joule’s Law and the Joule Effect:

Q=I2×R×tQ = I^2 \times R \times tQ=I2×R×t


  • QQQ represents the heat produced, measured in joules (J).
  • III represents the current flowing through the conductor, measured in amperes (A).
  • RRR represents the resistance of the conductor, measured in ohms (Ω).
  • ttt represents the duration for which the current flows, measured in seconds (s).

This equation calculates the heat generated (in joules) when an electric current (in amperes) flows through a conductor with a certain resistance (in ohms) for a specific duration (in seconds).

You’ll notice that mass doesn’t appear in this equation, but it’s necessary to understand what happens if, for the same amount of heat—that is, the same joules produced—this heat is applied to a larger or smaller mass.

This relationship is determined by heat flux, which is the formula relating the produced heat to the surface over which it’s applied. Mathematically, heat flux is defined with the letter qqq, measured in watts per square meter:

q=QA×tq = \frac{Q}{A \times t}q=A×tQ​

  • QQQ is the amount of heat transferred, measured in joules (J).
  • AAA is the surface area through which the heat transfer occurs, measured in square meters.
  • ttt is the duration during which the heat transfer occurs, measured in seconds (s).

It’s generally accepted that a good heat flux ranges between 150 and 300 mW/mm², but naturally, this is subjective and doesn’t consider other crucial factors: the amount of air entering the system to moderate the temperature and the temperature moderation by the liquid.

For now, we’re interested in finding the relationship between the coil’s surface area and the applied power. I’ll spare you the simple mathematical steps; by combining Joule’s Law, Ohm’s Law, and heat flux, we get:

q=PAq = \frac{P}{A}q=AP​

Looking at this formula again, we notice something interesting: for the amount of heat, the ohms (in a regulated system) aren’t relevant to the system’s thermodynamics! What matters instead is the surface area and the applied power! Obviously, if we venture into the world of mechanical mods, we need to consider the ohm value to achieve the desired power, but this doesn’t change the core issue. If a coil we have isn’t energetic and reactive enough for our tastes, or it has too much surface area, regardless of its ohm value, we need to reduce the mass or apply more power.

In summary, an ideal coil should be reactive yet gradual, reaching the ideal temperature for all the notes of the aromatic bouquet. Now we know that achieving this requires a precise balance between surface area and applied power.

The formula we’ve obtained allows us to understand that to increase vapor production while respecting all the notes, we need to increase the surface area while maintaining a balance with the wattage. We don’t necessarily need a coil with a lower ohm value but one with a larger surface area! Of course, the two things are connected, and factors like battery stress and their lifespan come into play, but today isn’t the day we’ll tackle that.


We’ve reached the end of our feast; it’s time for dessert.

At some point in the evolution of the rebuildable world, once we entered cloud chasing, we sought to achieve increasingly larger surface areas. Thus, flat wires were born. However, while they increased the surface in terms of width, in absolute terms—let’s say mass—it was challenging to achieve balance because the coils were too wide and too fast.

We then started making parallel coils, which, by exploiting parallel resistance, achieved a superior balance between surface area and applied power. We began twisting wires together—first two, then three—and discovered something very interesting: twisting the wire significantly improved performance. Why?

Here, our friend capillarity comes into play. By twisting the wires together, we created channels that distributed the liquid not only on one side of the coil but also inside and along the entire path, constantly moderating the temperature. Experiments continued, led by a well-known figure, blueeyedgoon85, creator of the first true complex coils: Clapton, Fused Clapton, Alien, Staggered, and so on.

What happens in these coils? Capillarity is created inside the coil, whose role and ability to preserve and express the entire aromatic bouquet we discussed earlier are essentially linked to this capacity to constantly moderate the temperature and increase the evaporation surface. This expansion goes from the initial two dimensions of the single central channel of the single-wire coil to the three dimensions of all the internal micro-channels created by complex wraps and cores.

At this point, another factor changes the game completely—the presence of a wrap, which, while not altering the resistance, adds mass. The balance between surface area and wattage must be recalculated.

What does this mean? It means that depending on the type of wrap and its size, we’ll achieve different levels of capillarity and surface area.

The balance between the thickness of the wrap and the cores is crucial. The thinner the wrap, the easier it is to create high-performing coils that reach the ideal temperature without needing excessive power.

Also, the total number of wraps becomes important. They must be sufficient to balance the firing speed with the applied power, and if using a mechanical mod, also with the ohm value necessary to achieve the desired wattage.

Before delving into the world of custom coils and concluding this deep dive, I’d like to quickly analyze why mesh coils work so well in coil heads but perform poorly in “rebuildable” atomizers.

The intent to exploit the capillarity of mesh clashes with an objectively minimal surface area, which heats up incredibly fast, making it unsuitable for high power but extraordinarily efficient at lower power levels. However, aromatic intensity, aromatic separation, and hit aren’t increased because, to do so, we need to increase the power accompanied by maximum surface area and airflow.

Here, complex coils come into play—a completely different strategy to achieve maximum aromatic efficiency (rather than energy efficiency).

Let’s briefly analyze, point by point, summarizing in a few words: What changes between a Clapton, a Fused, an Alien, and a Staggered coil? Mainly the amount of wrap used and the number of internal channels:

  • Clapton Single: Adds only external capillarity and little additional mass. A few more watts can be applied.
  • Fused Clapton: Adds an internal channel, further moderating the temperature. The thicker the wrap, the greater the energy needed to properly activate the coil.
  • Alien Coil: Further increases external capillarity by about 1/3 compared to a Fused Clapton of the same core.
  • Staggered Coil: Complicates things even more, as the type of wrap adds a lot of capillarity but also more mass. For this reason, staggered coils tend to perform best when substantial power is applied to compensate and balance the mass and fully exploit the capillarity.

Thanks to what we’ve explored earlier and identified what determines a coil’s aromatic yield, it becomes incredibly easy to judge a coil, no matter how complex it may be. But there’s one last, counterintuitive factor:

It might seem that the greater the volume of empty spaces where capillarity occurs, the better the performance. However, capillarity has a prerogative: it performs best when traversing narrower spaces.

In fact, a Fused Clapton with two cores has a larger “empty” volume than a Stapled coil of the same size (composed internally of ribbon wire), yet its aromatic yield is significantly lower. Why?

For two reasons:

  1. The evaporation surface doesn’t coincide with the volume of internal channels—in fact, capillarity distributed over very small spaces is always more efficient and provides a greater evaporation surface.
  2. If capillarity has to occur over channels that are too wide, it’s not fast enough to supply liquid to the coil’s surface. This means the coil temporarily reaches higher temperatures, resulting in explosive and intermittent evaporation. Typically, this manifests as a characteristic crackling sound—nothing more than air trapped inside the channels during the fractions of a second when it’s not moderated by the liquid. As it heats up, it bursts out of the wrap, creating a depression that draws in more liquid, and so on. This leads to a type of vaporization that greatly emphasizes the base notes but often fails to preserve the top notes, consistently maintaining a high surface temperature.

That’s all for today. It has been a long but hopefully interesting journey into this fantastic world!

Success is always tied to the perfect balance of coil, atomizer, and liquid! Each coil has its own specific characteristics, which can be briefly summarized. There is a significant difference between a tight MTL with natural organic extracts and an airy mouth-to-lung vaping with creamy or fruity flavors!

The main rule remains: simpler coils for simpler liquids, more complex coils for liquids rich in nuances. Even though a limited edition coil will always have an extra edge, these advantages might be minimal with less complex liquids and wouldn’t justify the cost. It’s better to go for less elaborate variants! Conversely, if you’re looking for a specific performance (e.g., very dry for tobaccos or very distinct for fruits in RDL), choosing a compromise might not give you the result you’re looking for.

This chart summarizes in a few words why to choose one variant over another, but for a complete overview, we always recommend browsing the catalog with the full coil descriptions.

You can download it from the link below:

Breakill’s Alien Lab and Suprema Ratio Coil Building Supplies merge together to a new portal entirely dedicated to rebuilding your atomizers.

Whether you are looking for a simple wire for single-wire rebuilding, complex spools or pre-made coils, wires, and tools for custom coil building, we are ready to meet your needs by providing high-quality wires, coils, and tools.

The shop is now open to private customers as well, offering the complete range of all products. Are you a retailer? Register to access B2B prices and become a distributor!